Friday, August 31, 2007

....thoughts penned in deep frustration

My senses heightened,
Body smoothened,
I stand poised and ready;
I feel the crackle of energy;
-Maybe just a bone snapping-
Nothing really matters
But the progress.

Is there progress?
Progressing owards what?
I suddenly can't remember
What it was.
The once enchanting pull,
Now a faint murmur,
Dies in my ears.

Defeated before the battle,
Lost without a cause,
I could die the worst meaningless death,
Or I could crawl out
And live the worst meaningless life.

1 comment:

crAftcian said...

i cAn sEe thE frustrAtion u hAv pEnnEd in hEre... i m suRe... mAny can relAte tO it... :)